The Rotary Club of Thornbury  Members
Test and Development
Development and Testing Pages
This is the home page for the Demonstration Topic. When the new website goes live it will not be visible to public visitors. The editorial in the pages linked from here should not be taken seriosly.
This is an example of a topic home page which features a brief summary ot the topic contents, together with clickable links to the various editoriial pages
The Development topic allows users to familiarise themselves with the way the publicly-available pages are created and how they are navigated via clickable links. The following example pages can be reached via th links (right).
How the club is joing the world-wide Rotary organisation in supporting Ukraine.
The Tools with a Mission charity cleans and reconditioned tools and sends them to Africa to help individuals and groups become self-sufficient.
Swimarathon is Thornbury's `main fundraising event. Swimmers raise the funds through sponsorship to enable the Club to make charitable donations.
Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of the party