The Rotary Club of Thornbury  Members
Test and Development
Thornbury Rotary Club has for many years been collecting unwanted tools and delivered these to a charity who reconditions them and transports them to Africa. This year we are working with Tools With A Mission (TWAM).
Tools collected by the Club are sent to TWAM where they are cleaned and reconditioned - anything from wood and metal working tools to sewing machines. TWAM currently work in 17 countries, but by far the greatest number of tools goes to 4 countries in Africa – Uganda, DRC, Zambia and Zimbabwe.
Thanks to to generosity of many communities like Thornbury, TWAM last year donated 1500 tool kits - over 450,000 individual tools - over 300 tonnes filling 20 containers.
Please consider donating your old disused tools - whatever their condition. Just call Robin Cole-Morgan on 01454 414381 and he will arragce collection.
Some tools cannot be accepted; Robin will be glad to advise what TWAM can safely re-condition at acceptable cosyt
A set of new tools enables individuals to become self-sufficient
groups of workers to set up small businesses, and whole communities become self-sufficient.
Click the TWAM link (right) for more informations